This trek is completely self financing.  Each institution that uses the services provides room, board and the transport to the next town.  I stay only as long as a community or institution needs my services.  To communicate with the children over this cyberspace I do need to buy mini DVD cassettes, and pay for cybertime at locations that have it available along the way.  If you would like to contribute in any way to the recurring costs of communicating, provide whatever you can and desire... the equivalent of a mini DVD (US$4.99) is even a great help.  If you have web page knowledge and brain time, this is also accepted.  If you feel your institution is helped by being linked from you can share the benefits any way you wish.

Thanks and continue to share your dreams with young people and more.

Communicate with me at all times at

Being the Mega Techie that I am, I just found out that Pay Pay’s nice little donation button cannot go into a Mac made web page.  

So those who would like to contribute to this cause please e-mail me at
and let me know you are willing to help.  I will have to send an “invoice” from PayPal to your e-mail for the amount you desire so that your contribution can be made in security.  Thank you for understanding this techie glitch, and let’s hope for technical harmony someday.

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